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Topic: Create and fill in a table in the Agent

From: Germany
Posts: 2
Member Since: 02/23/15
posted February 23, 2015 10:36 AM

Hello everyone!

I have two Windows CE devices in one I am building my manager, and in the other my agent (for simulation purposes)

I need to query the values of an alarms table, for which I am using the commando “GetTable” but before that I need to build the table in my agent.

What I do, Is I create the nodes inside agent.variables using the OID of the corresponding columns + “.1” “.2” and so on, and then I assign the values that I am expecting to read

When I use the command get table, I don’t get any result, and by looking at WireShark I have an infinite loop of “GetNext” requests.

But when I query the IID independently I DO read them

Could you send me some examples on filling in a Table inside an agent?
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