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Topic: CertificateList - setting SelectedIndex does not highlight row

From: Durban, South Africa
Posts: 80
Member Since: 07/11/02
posted August 4, 2011 1:00 AM

We use a CertificateList to allow a user to select a Certificate from the list. To show the previously selected certificate we try and set the SelectedIndex to a value but it does not highlight the row in the list. The index gets set - its just that the row does not get highlighted.

i = 1
      For Each Cert1 In CertificateList1.Certificates
        If Cert1.IssuedBy = Cert.IssuedBy And Cert1.SerialNumber = Cert.SerialNumber Then
          CertificateList1.SelectedIndex = i
          cmdOk.Enabled = True
          Exit For
        End If
        i = i + 1
      Next Cert1

From: Durban, South Africa
Posts: 80
Member Since: 07/11/02
posted August 4, 2011 1:40 AM

Our workaround to the above code snippet is found below. BTW - we also found it was possible to multi-select rows in the CertificateList which one should not be able to do


i = 1
      For Each Cert1 In CertificateList1.Certificates
        If Cert1.IssuedBy = Cert.IssuedBy And Cert1.SerialNumber = Cert.SerialNumber Then
          CertificateList1.SelectedIndex = i
          Call SelectRowInListView(CertificateList1.hWnd, i - 1) ' workaround Dart anomaly
          CertificateList1.SetFocus ' workaround Dart anomaly
          cmdOk.Enabled = True
          Exit For
        End If
        i = i + 1
      Next Cert1

Private Function SelectRowInListView(ByVal hWnd As Long, Row As Long)
Dim lProcID As Long
Dim hProc As Long
Dim lxprocLVITEM As Long
Dim lItemPos As Long
  GetWindowThreadProcessId hWnd, lProcID ' Get the process ID in which the ListView is running
  If lProcID <> 0 Then
    hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_OPERATION Or PROCESS_VM_READ Or PROCESS_VM_WRITE, False, lProcID) ' make sure we have read write permissions in the process space
    If hProc <> 0 Then
      lxprocLVITEM = VirtualAllocEx(hProc, 0, LenB(LVITEM), MEM_RESERVE Or MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) ' Grab enough memory in the other procedure's space to hold our LV_ITEM
      ' Set up our local LV_ITEM to change the selected item
      LVITEM.mask = LVIF_STATE
      LVITEM.state = True
      LVITEM.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED
      ' Copy the local LV_ITEM into the space we reserved in the foreign process
      WriteProcessMemory hProc, ByVal lxprocLVITEM, ByVal VarPtr(LVITEM), LenB(LVITEM), 0
      ' Now send the message, but pass the address of the copy of our LV_ITEM that now exists in the foreign process instead of our local versiony
      lItemPos = Row& ' desired row
      SendMessage hWnd, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, lItemPos, ByVal lxprocLVITEM
      ' Clean up
      VirtualFreeEx hProc, ByVal lxprocLVITEM, LenB(LVITEM), MEM_RELEASE
      CloseHandle hProc
    End If
  End If
End Function
Jason Farrar (Admin)

From: Oneida, NY USA
Posts: 223
Member Since: 07/24/07

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posted August 5, 2011 5:32 PM

Thank you for pointing these issues out.

The issue where setting the SelectedIndex property does not result in the certificate being highlighted has been recorded as issue #5492

Selecting multiple certificates has been recorded as Issue #5493.

You can contact jamie.powell@dart.com for resolution status updates, please include this issues numbers as reference when you do so.
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