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AuthorForum: PowerTCP Telnet for .NET
Topic: Using ILMerge to combine DLL to exe causes error

From: Bolton, United Kingdom
Posts: 28
Member Since: 04/04/11
posted July 20, 2011 7:11 AM

I have purschased both FTP and Telnet for .NET.

I use ILMerge (Microsoft Program) to merge the FTP DLL with exe file and it works ok.
However when I use ILMerge to merge the Telnet DLL with exe file it causes System.TypeInitializationException's in my program.
If I dont use ILMerge and DLL file is present in directory it works correctly.

Is it not legally possible to distribute the Telnet DLL?
If not are there any other ways to compile the program into one executable file?
Jamie Powell (Admin)

From: Rome, NY USA
Posts: 448
Member Since: 03/13/07

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posted July 20, 2011 2:09 PM

This issue has been assigned ticket number 5482 and is scheduled to be reviewed/resolved by the end of next week. Resolution updates will be posted as they are received. You may also email jamie.powell@dart.com directly regarding its status.

Thank you for your report.

From: Bolton, United Kingdom
Posts: 28
Member Since: 04/04/11
posted July 27, 2011 5:31 AM

Thank you. This now appears to work correctly.
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