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AuthorForum: PowerWEB File Upload for ASP.NET
Topic: With IE9 the component don't work

From: Castellana Grotte, Italy
Posts: 4
Member Since: 05/17/11
posted May 17, 2011 4:41 AM

I have the problem to certain cases in IE9. With Vista and IE9 in certain circustances that I don't understand, the component don't work (don't appear the button for choose the files to upload)

I don't be able to try the new version of the product (I have the version licenced) because the compiler make the several error parsing with licenses.licx.

Before to buy the latest version I would be sure that this version solved the problem.

Can you help me?


Best Regards
Fabio Campanella
Product Manager
Cielle Services Sas
Nick B (Admin)

From: Utica, NY USA
Posts: 619
Member Since: 05/25/10

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posted May 17, 2011 8:59 AM


Without knowing what the 'certain circumstances' are, we cannot state whether an upgrade would fix it, but we have implemented some fixes for IE8 and IE9 since your version. (Have you tried forcing iframe or flash mode?) Please see the changelog here: http://www.dart.com/pwfileup_relhist.aspx

In regards to testing the latest trial version, changing your licenses.licx so that it only contains:
Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.Upload, Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.Trial
(unless you are using other licensed components in your project) should resolve your licenses.licx error. If it does not, please provide me with a copy of the error.

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From: Castellana Grotte, Italy
Posts: 4
Member Since: 05/17/11
posted May 17, 2011 9:57 AM

Hi, Thanks for your quick answer!!!
The error that I retrieve when use the page with your component is follow:

Messaggio eccezione: This product has not been added to the Project's licenses.licx file. If your Project does not have a licenses.licx file already, you must create a text file named "licenses.licx" and add it to your PROJECT (not the Solution). <continued...>

You must then add the following line to the file:

'Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.UploadManager, Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.Trial'

If the project already contains a licenses.licx, simply append this line to the file. For more information, please see the "Creating the Licenses.licx File" page in the Online Help.


Any time you make changes to the licenses in your project, you MUST REBUILD (not Build or Start!) the PROJECT (not the Solution!) that contains the reference to the licensed DLL, or the changes will not be built into the application.

NOTE: My licence.licx contain these lines:
Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.UploadManager, Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.Trial, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5966291b8955e4bb
Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.ProgressPanel, Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.Trial, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5966291b8955e4bb
Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.Upload, Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.Trial, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5966291b8955e4bb
Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.OpenFileDialog, Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.Trial, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5966291b8955e4bb
I don't need to compile my application because I use an ASP.NET application with online compilation mode (I upload cs directly in the site and in the bin directory there are only dlls for third parts and my custom components).

Thanks in advance for your time!!!

Fabio Campanella
Nick B (Admin)

From: Utica, NY USA
Posts: 619
Member Since: 05/25/10

Extra Support Options
Custom Application Development

posted May 17, 2011 10:21 AM


Please right-click on your licenses.licx file and select 'Build Runtime Licenses', and re-deploy. It may help to also delete ", Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5966291b8955e4bb" from each line. If this does not help, are you able to create a new ASP.NET application, drag+drop the trial control onto the form, deploy and retrieve successfully?

-Non-current subscribers must contact sales@dart.com to update subscription and receive continued support as needed.


From: Castellana Grotte, Italy
Posts: 4
Member Since: 05/17/11
posted May 17, 2011 10:32 AM

I've solved it. I've write in licences.licx only the first row

Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.UploadManager, Dart.PowerWEB.FileUpload.Trial, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5966291b8955e4bb

and the compiler has compiled app_licenses.dll correctly.


Now I try with "certain circustances" :) with the machines that I've the problem and I hope that with this version is resolved!!!

Thanks for your help!!


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