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AuthorForum: PowerWEB File Upload for ASP.NET
Topic: Getting flash error

From: Congers, NY USA
Posts: 7
Member Since: 05/28/10
posted July 22, 2010 1:42 PM

Hi we have a web application that uses the file upload control. We have a client getting the following error after trying to upload "flash object reported an IOError attempting to upload file".

The user is using IE8 and has Flash 10.

We've tried chaning the upload type to iframe, but when we do that a different problem occurs. The user selects a file to upload but then nothing happens, the progress panel shows up but the there is no activity.
K M Drake

From: Utica, NY USA
Posts: 3406
Member Since: 07/14/00
posted July 23, 2010 8:39 AM

Does this happen with the most recent version?

Are you sure the file us not actually uploaded?
It may be that the user has a firewall that allows only one connection to the server.
The file would be transferred, but the connection posting progress info would be supressed.


From: Congers, NY USA
Posts: 7
Member Since: 05/28/10
posted July 23, 2010 9:02 AM

We are using the the lastest version the file upload control. And I am sure that the no files are being uploaded, the files are not ending up in the final directory, and no events are being fired (not even the one for a failed upload).
K M Drake

From: Utica, NY USA
Posts: 3406
Member Since: 07/14/00
posted July 23, 2010 5:21 PM

It's hard to say what is happening with so little to go on.

I suggest running an HTTP sniffer on either the server or the client, to see exactly what communication is taking place.
Hopefully that will provide some clues.


From: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 3
Member Since: 11/19/10
posted November 21, 2010 7:54 PM

We are experiencing same problem with PowerWEB_FileUpload v.
Can it be fixed by upgrading to the latest version?
Also I am wondering if the upgrading is like just replacing dll files or reinstalling package?

Thank you in advance
Jamie Powell (Admin)

From: Rome, NY USA
Posts: 448
Member Since: 03/13/07

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posted November 22, 2010 4:18 PM

Thank you for your post. I would recommend you download a trial of the most recent version and perform some tests. Here is a link: http://www.dart.com/pwfileup_trial.aspx

This issue was never confirmed so we can't say whether or not it's been resolved in the most recent version. Please let me know if you experience the same issue with the trial. An active subscription is required to upgrade to the most recent version. Please contact sales@dart.com for your subscription status.

Once you upgrade you will rebuild your app and re-deploy.

Thank you,

-Non-current subscribers must contact sales@dart.com to update subscription and receive continued support as needed.

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