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Topic: Port from C++ studio 6 to VB.net

From: laval, QC Canada
Posts: 2
Member Since: 07/31/06
posted July 31, 2006 4:37 PM

I have code written Visual C++ 6 to send SNMP traps. It includes loading the licence, this code still works.

BOOL OpenTrap()
int nLocalPort;
TCHAR *szAppSection="Trap Info";
BSTR LicKey;
IClassFactory2 *pIUnknown = NULL;
IUnknown    *pOuter  = NULL;

LicKey = SysAllocString( L"1550-2-5073-xxxxx:xxxxx:Primas Group" );

hr = CoGetClassObject( __uuidof(Agent),CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,NULL,IID_IClassFactory2,reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pIUnknown) );
if(!FAILED( hr ) )
pIUnknown->CreateInstanceLic( pOuter,NULL,__uuidof(IAgent),LicKey,reinterpret_cast<void**> (&aptr2) );
SysFreeString( LicKey );

nLocalPort=GetPrivateProfileInt(szAppSection,"Local Port",164,INIFILE);
// hr=aptr2.CreateInstance(CLSID_Agent);
// if(hr != S_OK)
// return;

if(hr == S_OK) {
try {
} else {
MessageBox(NULL,"Unable to load SNMP control!","Fatal Error",MB_OK);

return rv;

I rewrote in VB.net. It compiles and runs but the send trap operations fails because it can't find the runntime licence

    Dim Agent As New DartSnmp.Agent
    Dim varBind As New DartSnmp.SnmpVariable
    Dim Trap As New DartSnmp.SnmpTrap

    Agent.TrapManagers.Add(SNMPManagerAddress, 0)
    Agent.Message.Type = DartSnmp.TypeConstants.snmpTrap1
    If linkUp Then
    Agent.Message.GenericTrap = DartSnmp.TrapConstants.snmpLinkUp
    Agent.Message.GenericTrap = DartSnmp.TrapConstants.snmpLinkDown
    End If
    Agent.Message.Community = "public"

    varBind.Oid = ""
    varBind.Name = "Subject"
    varBind.Type = DartSnmp.VariableTypeConstants.snmpOctetString
    varBind.Value = Subject

    varBind.Oid = ""
    varBind.Name = "Message"
    varBind.Type = DartSnmp.VariableTypeConstants.snmpOctetString
    varBind.Value = Message


I added a reference to the DartSNMP2.dll

Cheers Mark

From: Rome, NY, USA
Posts: 389
Member Since: 02/01/06
posted August 1, 2006 11:41 AM

Hi Mark,

Before we begin, are you using a trial version of the product, and if not, which licensed version of the product do you have running?

Have you tried creating and adding a licenses.licx file in your project?


From: laval, QC Canada
Posts: 2
Member Since: 07/31/06
posted August 9, 2006 4:02 PM

We have a licenced version the dll dartSnmp2.dll has the version

I did try creating a .lic file I didn't succeed.

The other method I tried was making the legacy C code into a COM object and including it in my VB.net service. This works on my development box. But on my test machine (Win2000 Server) it crashes after the CoGetClassObject. The dartSMNP2.dll is registered and I added catches but the service still crashes

Cheers Mark

From: Rome, NY, USA
Posts: 389
Member Since: 02/01/06
posted August 10, 2006 3:06 PM

Please refer the help file section: "NET/COM Interop"
You may search for "Interop" in the help file, to locate articles that would be helpful in such a scenario.

I hope this addresses your issue. Let me know if you have further questions.

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