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AuthorForum: C++ Professional Toolkit
Topic: about the memery occupation

From: Zhengzhou, USA
Posts: 11
Member Since: 09/19/02
posted March 20, 2003 8:02 PM

i use a tcp control in my server program and receive the data from client continously .The control's VarDataType property is set to ByteArray. i write my codes in the control's OnRecv event like this:

boolean lb_isnull
lb_isnull = isnull(vrecvdata)

then i can see the program's used memory increase quickly,
but when i delete the codes,the used memory will not change.
K M Drake

From: Utica, NY USA
Posts: 3406
Member Since: 07/14/00
posted March 24, 2003 5:16 PM

Do you see the memory problem with the Tcp sample that ships with the Toolkit?

From: Zhengzhou, USA
Posts: 11
Member Since: 09/19/02
posted March 25, 2003 7:00 PM

yes,it is the same result when i use the Tcp sample .
Tony Priest

From: Utica, NY USA
Posts: 8466
Member Since: 04/11/00
posted March 25, 2003 10:22 PM

Please explain exactly how to see the problem with our sample app. Unfortunately I was not able to find the code that you mentioned in any of our samples. I need to know the exact sample name and the exact steps I must take to see the error.


From: Zhengzhou, USA
Posts: 11
Member Since: 09/19/02
posted March 27, 2003 8:07 AM

Sorry! I found it is the powerbuilder who has the bug. When I use the isnull() function, the memory leak occours. Even after making a patch of PB, the bug is still there.
But I need to know whether the "vrecvdata" is NULL or not, what shall I do? Please help me.
Tony Priest

From: Utica, NY USA
Posts: 8466
Member Since: 04/11/00
posted March 27, 2003 8:49 AM

The sample app does it by checking if vrecvdata = "".

Does that not work for you?


From: Zhengzhou, USA
Posts: 11
Member Since: 09/19/02
posted March 28, 2003 8:17 AM

The control's VarDataType property is set to ByteArray. If I use vrecvdata = "",there will be a mistake:"Mismatched ANY data types in expressions: ANY, string at line ... in OnRecv event of object OLE_1 of w_main."
conversion from ANY to char array cause a mistake:"Array expected in ANY variable at line..."
What shall I do?
Tony Priest

From: Utica, NY USA
Posts: 8466
Member Since: 04/11/00
posted March 28, 2003 9:10 AM

This has gone beyond the scope of the forum. Please contact support@dart.com to find out what your support options are.

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